Wednesday 1 October 2008

Camera Shots.

Extreme close-up: An extreme close up only shows a small part of something in a larger way
so for instance in a face you may only see the eyes,mouth or nose.
if it was a gun you may be looking down the barrel not at the whole gun.

Close up: A close up shows only a small thing covering the whole area this is too show its importance. This may be used on a face or a object if something has happend to them/it.

Medium shot: It would contain from around waist up on a person or half of an item for example half a tree from mid trunk up. It can contain more than 1 person or item as long as they don't become to big for the focus of the camera.

Long shot: A long shot would get in the full person and a background so that

the picture would be in full preportion.

Extreme long shot: This is a very long shot and is often used in movie
openings to show across cities or field or where ever the film is set at.

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